"How broken are you?"

Dare to ask?

Haha, hop in and let's go for a spin.

I live in a concrete jungle with no windows. Huffing and puffing, cussing and venting, the air is so thick and rich with plumes of tears and anger.

Sometimes, I feel a lab rat; some emotionally manipulated dude or some dummy for the kGB play with. Everything in my life feels like some weird frenzy; popcorn in the microwave, defining the chaos theory to perfection with each action I take.

I walk my memory lane with my head down. Rivers of defeat flow down the alleyway. Everything is corrupted.

"Take a break," she said, a whisper that sealed my fate,

A foolish hope I clung to, a chance I held too late.

Second chances are for lesser souls, not mine,

She saw my quirks a burden, my innocence a crime. In the end, she desecrated my life with an exact replica of me who shares the same birthday as me

Replaced with a reflection, a copy from the tomb. 

Well, here we are now, front row seats in the Arcadia. My nonchalant mind is filled with brain goblins who speak in eerie but hushed undertones. 

Shots of rage bubbling through the silencer. Misdemeanor and bigotry, weeds around my entirety. Crack me open and see my shriveled heart. I am nothing but a void from within.


 Arcadia: Arcadia represents an image or idea of life in the countryside that is believed to be perfect and idyllic. It’s often associated with peace, simplicity, and unspoiled nature.


  1. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😇😇😇

  2. 🥲🥲🥲
    Beautiful piece


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