
 Nirvana [nɪəˈvɑːnə] (noun)

Word Origin: From Sanskrit nirvāṇa, from nirvā ‘be extinguished’, from nis ‘out’ + vā- ‘to blow’

Synonyms: paradise, heaven, Eden, bliss, Elysium Antonyms: hell, purgatory

In Buddhism: A transcendent state beyond suffering, desire, and the sense of self, where one is liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth, achieving complete peace and happiness.

In Hinduism: The ultimate spiritual goal, the union with the supreme being, resulting in liberation from the cycle of reincarnation and all worldly suffering.

By extension: An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.


Part I: The Ruins

Paradise Lost,

Brick by brick, the paradise we built crumbled around me. The whispered secrets that once filled our sanctuary were replaced by the hollow echo of absence. I, Louis, the self-proclaimed king of my own realm or so I thought, stood desolate amidst the ruins of what was.

No anger, no tears

Just the gnawing ache, a phantom hovering in places where Angel's warmth once bloomed. The future, once a canvas of our shared dreams, now stretched before me like a bleak wasteland, mocking my every step.

When Angel left, the sun slipped away, stealing the light from my eyes and the laughter from my lips. Adrift in the wreckage of our "happily ever after", I faced the brutal truth: my addiction wasn't to a dream, but to her—the woman who had breathed life into my monochrome wasteland of a world.

 Part II: Unraveling

Clarity, I sought and believed, would be my salvation. But it cut like a nylon string, revealing the immensity of my loss. Every stolen glance, every whispered promise, became a daunting reminder of what I had surrendered.

Lost, not at sea, but in the desert of my own despair. No compass, no oasis, just the endless horizon mocking my yearning. I screamed, but the sound died in the suffocating silence, a prisoner in my own shattered world.

In the depths of that desert, I unearthed the truth about myself—a man who had built his identity around the love of another. Without Angel, I was a stranger to myself, grasping at the remnants of a life that no longer existed.

Part III: a phoenix rises

The end? Perhaps. But endings, like beginnings, cloud and thunder in the storm. And I, Louis, became a storm—a force of nature, raging against the darkness that threatened to consume me.

From the ashes of my shattered dreams, I emerged, reborn. The path ahead was uncertain, but I carried within me the seeds of resilience, planted by the love that had once flourished in my heart.

With each step, I shed the weight of my past, embracing the truth that love, like life, is a cycle of growth and I, stuck beneath the cinders of it all. And though the desert stretched endlessly before me, I know that within its vast expanse lay the promise of an oasis—a sanctuary where I will respawn a phoenix.

Whether I rise from the ashes or succumb to the darkness, only time will tell. But one thing is certain: I am no longer a prisoner of my own making. I am the architect of my destiny, forging a path through the storm, guided by the wisdom born of life's indelible mark upon my soul.



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