Call it a curse

Say it's karma

I believe I owe no one for sure but, this sting feels more than some payback

I keep on struggling to get one thing right in this life. My actions are just loaded canons aimed at my face.

I'm held a prisoner, tortured with deafening silence. I scream but it gets no where. My inside is filled with bubbling lakes of anger and cisterns of yells sealed airtight. You see me a sad lonely clown right? That's true. I rarely feel joy, peace and pleasure on this flight.

Piper of peace, 

People pleaser. 

Every act I ever do in the name of love costs me an ounce of blood, leaves more deeper laceration on my weak heart.

Sighs my beloved symphony, nothing shows a better tomorrow. I'm just a bruised man with with tons of burden, and a gapping hole in his chest

I was never enough. 

I was always the problem but, you chose to leave with my heart instead.


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