Final Words

The echo of your laughter used to be my lullaby,

but now it's a haunting melody that whispers goodbye.

My days, once painted in the vibrant hues of  love, bleed into a monochrome dusk. It's not the years of lines carved on my face nor the marks behind masks, perfectly sealed by an act called pretense. but the weight of a truth finally settling in my bones.

The trip to that fantasy world of true love was a whirlwind, a dizzying dance with fate. Now, the music's stopped, the curtain's fallen, and I stand, blinking in the harsh light of reality. My burden, forged from the chains of shared memories, feels heavier than ever. Every burst of joy, every phantom echo of your smile, is laced with the bitter tang of loss.

They say you can lead a horse to water, but never force it to drink. We can bend our minds to hold onto forever, but love, like a wild bird, cannot be caged. I see the irony now: the more desperately I cling to you, the further you fly.

I cherish every moment, every brushstroke of your compassion, every whisper of your love. But a part of me always knew this melody would end, even as I deafened myself to the dissonance. The "other guy" wasn't a phantom, and I, the valiant knight in shining armor, was a figment of my own desire.

Congratulations, my rival, for winning the heart I could never truly claim. A cold flame of envy flickers in my chest, a whisper of "what if" against the roar of acceptance.

But with every beat of my heart, I send blessings to your next true love, hoping they find the haven I never could.

For me, the embers of love are buried in the ashes of what could have been.

Your scars, deep in my soul, will forever be a testament to a love that bloomed and withered.

These words, etched in the ink of my goodbye, are not a sloppy farewell,

but a quiet acceptance of the final chapter. This is not the end, but a new beginning,

a dawn painted not with the vibrant hues of your love, but with the steely resolve to move on.

This is my truth, my story, my release

These are my final words.

husH 🤫


  1. I find this piece to be splendid. I like how relatable some of the words are .


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