I don't know how I got here,

Falling from the clouds of happiness, straight into this cesspool of distress.

We were floating across the horizon into the unknown, holding unto the strings of love and the promise that the future held nothing but joy since we had each other in there.

Now here I am, a petty overlord of the haunted park. My land no Disney, drowned wet while the paint was fresh on the canvas. the promises that once held our hearts together turned out to be worthless but a pinky swear with no honor.

At least I kept my part in check, but it doesn't feel that way.

She left without a word.

No goodbye,

No trial, no judgments

Only trails of blood from my bubbling anger and the tears of a messed up mind and a collapsed heart.

She served her world with my head on a platter; the only respect I could earn as Louis XLiV.

Now I have to shut that world behind me and start something new. 

Two years of heaven, 

four years of mixed feelings. 

Memories that feel so real so bad that they always held me back and a stubborn sense of hope that ignites the wrong flames.

Now it all ends in this

No goodbyes

No tears left to cry.

husH 🤫


  1. We become total strangers after being so close to each other 💔

  2. The change within a twinkle of an eye hurts

  3. When it happens out of the blue you are left with so many unanswered questions

  4. Nice piece... just 💔


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