Had to rush to the ER this morning. Apparently, I sprained some muscles in a burst. I tried to breach the doors bolted on the answers I seek, and it didn't go well. Feels like God changed the keys or something. I have been searching and searching, seeking and looking, but I still see nothing. I have asked and asked, but I got nothing. My voice got upset and left me in silence. All I have now are a bunch of leaflets bearing the simple query they could carry. The rest, stuck up there with my personal demons of terror.

The doors won't open, break, nor dent. It seems like someone got upset with my numerous requests. I sought some basics, but I got nothing. I didn't ask for a reset button or a unicorn. I tried to sort it out myself, but I got it wrong. 

Maybe I should ask "why me?" but that's for another session. I am overwhelmed. My burdens are heavy, morbid, and obese. It feels like I'm lost in there, so looking at me from above makes no sense. 

 But for now, let me drown in the high spirits and a couple of opioids. Let me drug my way out of this place. Let me light my breath on fire and faze out once. 

Oh wait, the Cyanide canister just arrived. 

See you soon, Dad

husH 🤫


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