The One Who Got Away


The One Who Got Away

I still remember the day we met,

A summer day, ripe with promise.

I was sitting on a bench in the park,

Reading a book about lost love,

When she walked by, and I was dazzled.

She was the sun in my sky,

The moon in my night.

Her eyes were like pools of sapphire,

Her smile a ray of sunshine.

And her voice, a voice like no other.

She had captivating contours and a mesmerizing variety of melanin shades.

She glowed like an angel in the sun.

I sensed a bond that nothing could break.

We were an item for a few years, and they were the best years of my life. She was my soulmate and my lover. She filled my world with joy. We shared our dreams and secrets, our hopes and fears. She understood me like no one else.

But then, things started to change. We got busy with our lives, and we started to drift apart. We became strangers in the same house. We didn't see each other as often, and when we did, we had nothing to say. We lost our spark, our connection, our love.

One day, she walked out without saying anything. She left me without a word. She broke my heart without a sound. She left me alone.

That was years ago. But I still think about her every day. She's the one who got away. She's the wound that never heals, the scar that never fades. I know that I should move on, but I can't. My memories of her are too strong. They haunt me like ghosts. I still remember her scent, her laugh, her gaze. I still feel her touch, her breath, her kiss.

I know that there's no chance that she'll come back. But I'm still waiting. I'm waiting for a miracle.

I'll wait for as long as it takes.

husH 🀫


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