Everything Changes

 Everything Changes...

 From dust we came and to dust we return

 From ashes we rise and to ashes we burn

 That's the story of a million days in a single line of words. We dreamed of the best so we chased the best. No matter how naive, foolish or reckless it seemed, we ignored the consequences. We thought we were invincible, unstoppable, incomparable. While the timid ones settled for the skies, we aimed for the moon. "We don't care" [that was our foolish motto] but along the way, life forced us to admit that we do care. It is what it is; no matter what you try, you can't change that. We watch powerlessly as our goals fly over our heads. They mock us with their unattainability, their impossibility, their futility. They keep on drowning our souls in mixtures of lies and false hopes; lies that lure us into traps of despair and regret. They make us question our worth and our purpose.

We carve out shapes that only exist in the realm of illusion and fear, imagination. We create worlds that are better than this one, where we are happier, smarter, richer. We escape into fantasies that are more exciting, more thrilling, more satisfying. We pretend that we are different, that we are better, that we are more. We base our whole existence on one big mixture of fraud: friendship and trust. We surround ourselves with people who claim to love us, support us, understand us. We share our secrets, our dreams, our hopes with them. We trust them, we rely on them, we depend on them. But they are all liars, traitors, enemies. They stab us in the back, they betray us, they abandon us. They use us, they manipulate us, they hurt us.

 Everything changes, and nothing stays the same. We change, and so do they. We grow apart, we drift away, we lose touch. We become strangers, enemies, memories. We are left alone, broken, empty.

Fleeting life, trust like glass,

 Everything changes...

husH 🤫


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