Soundcheck ...

Is this mic working?
Can you hear me?
Can I begin now?

Thank you

I have a million daggers pressing on my heart, like a cursed treasure chest that bleeds with every touch.

I have a ton of questions crushing my brains now, like a puzzle with no solution that drives me insane.

I thought I knew the truth and oh boy I was wrong. Everything out there was just fragments of people's imagination, like a kaleidoscope of lies that dazzled and deceived me.

I sat in a crowded room but still felt lonely. Like a variable in space, I keep spinning between timelines and forces beyond measure. My life is more of a one-man drama. I see tales upon tales upon tales, and a million lines of monologue for each event that occurs. Like a storyteller with no audience, I narrate my own tragedy.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

Not a single thing matters anymore.

I went throughout the world in search of peace, and I got what I longed for. Little did I know that I was just a lamb in their eyes. All I've known so far, everything thing I've worked for, all those I believed and trusted were nothing but a grand act of illusion sequenced to lure me. Like a puppet on strings, I danced to their tune.

I hope you can hear it too ...

The songs that once brought me joy now fill me with resentment. As I count my blessings, I only see my debts. A veil of sorrow covers all the memories I cherish. They seem so distant now as if they never were. I just can't forgive myself for that.

I just can't forgive myself for that.

Like a wound that never heals, I suffer from regret.

husH 🤫


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