Gold needs the furnace to glow. 

Well, I don't know how real this saying is because I've been cooked for a hundred and seventy-five thousand, three hundred and twenty plus hours but I don't see any glow yet. Everything I have, everything I owe feels like nothing. Whatever I touch, disappears into dust and ashes. I feel the stench of bitterness all over. 

it's sad my friend.

this feeling is terrible.

My life has changed from busting and blooming joy to a cold, grayscale nuclear wasteland. The friends I had, now are a bunch of illusions. Nothing feels real anymore. 

Saw this the hard way.

The love I nurtured and cared for, grew wings. it left me without goodbyes. My love was a mirage. Felt so real when I was in pain. The closer I got, the farther it went. When I felt cold and alone my heat died out. 

Tears cloud my thoughts; pain block my desires. I don't know what to do now. My precious little gem is gone. all I have left is an empty vault filled with memories and illusions from a broken heart.

Let me fall back into my dust and ashes as I rose. Let me enjoy the greatest show of all time in peace. Let me lie in silence. 

husH 🤫


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