Tremors all over, the lands can't even bear it. Anger and rage keep on spewing from the chests and the vents that their very breath comes through.

Plumes of sulfur fill the air. Soot and dust cover the entire theater. Horses neigh, scared of the brutal fate that awaits them. you can tell from the eyes of every soul down there that there's a harvester ready with his sickle of pain; death is near .

While uncertainty water the seeds of cowardice in men, I was called out. Nobody knew what will be our fate by sunset but that didn't make me succumb to the shivers of fear. I stood strong as I've always had and now, where's my honours?

Treated me like a treaty that outgrown it's usefulness. we sat behind the tables together and poured our hearts out. Behind the ears of the silent bottles we laid our sorrows out. Something strange held us all in one piece, it was difficult but I kept my part of it all.Held me on my word for years and I waited earnestly. when it all came down, you left the table like we had nothing in common. should have seen that coming. saw the sails of this ship from afar but I didn't believe it. Convinced myself to stay calm, fooled my mind to lay low and now, I pay the price for friendship or whatever. Can't bear it when I hear your name and trust in a single sentence.

 There's nothing like friendship under this sun. it's all lies and traps forced to squeeze services of men to make some people happy. 

should have followed my heart but I chose to make you happy. left my world to rot and crumble while I helped you build your empire of pride and ego. it's all my fault and I accept that. After all, this too shall pass.

But, when this dust settle, never again shall you see that fool you know. The rage within me compels me to crush everything down but, the ropes of patients restrain me. I don't have to dispose you off, you'll mess up again. And this time when the grim reaper descends for his goodies, your pawn will look out from his citadel and watch it all to the end. Ghost can't help humans. People like you don't deserve slaves with hearts of gold.


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