Dear Santa


Dear Santa.

I know you would pass by on Christmas. I know you have huge surprises for me but prior to that, I do have a request I really want for now. I need something valuable not a PlayStation 5. My phone might be old but a new phone won't give me the joy that I need. All I need for Christmas is tranquility, a sense of belonging and love. I need something money can't buy, something I can never be bored with.
I need an undiluted love from the Grinch who chose to steal my heart rather. All I want for this year is an angel on my own. That very girl who takes my very breath away. I need that girl hypnotizes me with her cute face. I long to see the fire in her eyes, can't wait to feel how comforting it feels with her around. I can't resist those sparkling eyes she has. They shine brighter than the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Santa, all want for this life and beyond is her and no one else.
 Just consider this as a professional courtesy and make it known unto her that my life revolves around her. She is the reason for my very existence. I like her in everyway and dimension. She makes me yearn for her evermore. My affections for her keeps rising with pure love for her only; pushing everything aside .My Heart can't stay quite; it keeps beating for her. All I want is for her to be my Lady for this year and beyond.

Thanks Santa.

From Saint Lucy


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