Tell me, how do I win your heart? 

Yeah, I know it sounds and feels like the dumbest question ever but, I really want an answer for that. I keep on searching for the best of the best; things that will make you u feel one of a kind. Yet, even the best that this world offer can never enough or worthy as the best I can give for you. I always use time as an excuse as I keep this in my mind “The beautiful ones are not yet born”. It might be true to some extent but, you defile those thoughts and assumptions. When I see you, I see everything. I see peace, perfection and a breath-taking view of nature's finest element. The feeling of harmony and the shivers of a frightened heart all in one body is what I always get when you are around. Your very presence soothes my heart and soul. I get frightened when I think of losing you or seeing you go. It kills the joy in me. It saddens me to know that no matter how long you will be here with me, it can’t be forever. It’s as painful and as terrible as a 15-minute orgasm for a million year long journey; hurts deeper than a flash in a dimension in which every single day sounds like an hour to them. 

You know what, this life is one terrible journey. I may sound right to call it “hell". Yet, through the cruelty, unjustifiable pains and punishment, the only heaven I ever get or enjoy is when I’m alone with you. You are more of a heaven in person. You give me the chills, the awes and the feeling of reverence whenever I see you. If the stars could speak, they would have sung about your glory every night throughout the ends of the words may feel cold and lifeless like an abstract yet, it is an open secret that no one can put a wonderful being like you precisely as you are in words and still make readers feel the intensity of your alluring glow. Even if it happens, they will keep comparing you to some fictional characters because, who you are and whatever you have is like nothing this world has ever seen before. If you don’t believe me, enquire from the mirror on the wall; the only witness who enjoys every single bit of your elegance every day. The mirror has no reason to lie to you my Angel…

So, tell me, what should I do?

What else do I offer for the keys to your heart?

Tell me cupcake… I’m all ears.



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