A Thousand words...

A thousand words will never be enough to carry those pains and disgust away. I know that no matter what we do, the songs of history will fade and frail as the tides of change keeps hitting on our shores. Like echoes in the hallways, we will give way at some point.  Yet, nothing on this complex blue marble will ever quench the beams of happiness shown bright on our faces. Look into my eyes and tell me what you see. Connect to the thousand thoughts and gushing springs of emotions flowing deep within me. Words ain’t enough but the truth ought to be told. Behind the curtains of tears an entire world lies in chaos.

Comfort zones with no comfort or whatsoever; that’s my best description I could give the delusion I float in now. A sailor with no compass sailing in the mist. I waste my little time circling in the name of finding a way out. With no stars to guide my path home, I feel like a warrior of a lost cause.

Men will come, men will go. The seats of men in the hall of friendship aren’t permanent. Today might bring us together as friends but tomorrow, God knows the names that we would give each other. It’s not always about business; it’s the tendency to live and thrive. When it comes to money, I don’t trust a soul. I did fear love but, money proved me wrong. It creeps into men and destroy good morals like a drop of venom in the body.

Sought for peace and they gave me the keys to freedom. In exchange, they took away my inner peace. Let to roam a free man, my soul was set ablaze. I’m gone forever; I’m gone for good. With no place of my own and no one to call my own, I choose to retire as I love to. Hand me a glass of whiskey. Let me pour my sorrows out to the ears of the quiet one; Alcohol. Let me force myself into trance.

I walk my cold days threading on eggshells. The smoke from the peace pipes caves my lungs in and torment my soul with cancer. hush my little one, suffer with me. Sink and die in the quicksand of silence. Drown from the inside; make no sound nor seek for help. If for anything, your pathetic days of nothingness and utter misery will be over soon. The gates of hades are wide and wild to receive its gallant hero. You will have decent sleep for eternity. You will dream the best of dreams. Those creepy thorny nightmares will be gone and gone for good.

You will finally find peace

A thousand words





  1. A very nice piece

  2. This is great. When are you going to publish more of this. I love this piece 😍

    1. At the right moment. You know what, check out some of the previous ones. You'll love them. It's a promise


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