This is a recreation of one vivid memory.
Some kind of emotional narration.
This my narration of my encounter with my Angel.

November 16, 1983..
On the outskirts of Venice near Saint Mark's Cathedral.

I saw her and I was instantly captivated. I thought I had seen it all. I believed that no one could wreck my sanity, neither did it cross my mind that someone could sweep my attention as she did. She was the most beautiful girl in the world. Her beauty transcended her age. Her eyes were like stars that spoke to my soul. Her smile was like a ray of sunshine that brightened my day. She made me forget all my worries and troubles.

She had a voice that sounded like music to my ears. She had a personality that made me laugh and feel alive. She had a style that made her stand out from the crowd. She was everything I ever wanted and more.

I wished I had the courage to approach her and embrace her. I wished I could whisper in her ear how much I admired her and how much she mattered to me. But I was too shy and afraid of what others might think or say. She was too good for me, too perfect for this world.

Her lips were like candy that I wanted to taste. Her skin was like silk that I wanted to touch. Her hair was like gold that I wanted to caress. She was a masterpiece of nature, a wonder of the world.

She inspired me with her humility and surprised me with her ecstasy; she's one of a kind.



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