Poor David Copperfield...
Never has ego and pride wrecked a man this hard before. In a world where wins were celebrated rather than efforts and goodwill, he had no place among his fellow men. His thirst for glory was unquenchable. He wanted his people to see him as the greatest of all time and with that, nothing was going to bring him down. Nothing kept him alive than the idea of riding among the elites of this world. He had every right to dream but, he went beyond the threshold of sense into the dark realms of imagination. Not even his conscience could stop him. It wasn't his fault either; this conscience was murdered way before he was hit by the arrows of puberty. The only thing he had was a head filled with overconfidence and the false hopes that tomorrow kept promising him.

 Poor David Copperfield; An ordinary commoner who had strong taste for exotic stuffs and vessels that portrayed perfection. He had no regards for any lady of his status. He aimed for the hands of a royal not even a noble lady. These actions were quite questionable and sounded foolish to many others but, only he knew the weight of the cross he was carrying.
It took the world by surprise when they saw the man in tar, holding the hands of an angel in his soot coated palms. This made the world take a careful look at the advances he had made all this while. The astonishing mountains of glories were the receipts of hard work that made auditors mute. Indeed, he had earned his place as he earlier said. The sad part is, he had every ounce of blood rushing through his genitals such that his brain became a ghost town. He had little to no time to perfect his ways and keep his path to success straight. His entire world revolved around the girl he had just met. Nothing could change him. His wonderful twist of fate was inspiring to many yet, the man himself lost control over everything.

 The same love that helped Sampson’s captors overpower him caught  poor old David before he realized it. He never had the strength of Sampson nor the beauty, brains and wealth of Solomon, he was infected with the same infection that took them from grace to grass. Poor Copperfield. Upon all the sacrifices and the efforts, nothing made the woman feel a thing for him. She saw him as some filthy weasel, a stray cat who she could learn to live with for some time till her “darling” arrived. The fog of deceit was too thick for David to see the light. Maybe he saw the end but decided to wander and get lost in there. Eventually, the day came and the cold tales of reality caught up with him. He didn’t wait for the news to break his heart, he rather retreated from the people he knew. He knew for sure that the words were going to cut his heart forever. He did nothing wrong. His only problem was that he thrived whenever his sweat and toils made others happy. He was not selfish; he wanted the best for his heart and the woman after his heart. In the end what did this world offer him? Tons and tons of unending pains and sorrows. Days in darkness and depression is his daily dose of normality now. He was shown his place; among the mud and the stinking dungs of a wasteland. He was reminded of the sour taste of humiliation and disgrace. Riches do buy love these days. Attention, genuine emotions and true love are things of the past. If you can’t bid you won't earn it. And if you can't earn it, it will be smart and kind to leave.

 If Copperfield had known that life could be this terrible, I guess he wouldn’t have sacrificed his joy for nothing as he did. I’m afraid of the thought that these dark times keep brewing in his head. I wonder if he will ever show true love again. For now, all I know is that behind the smiles of Copperfield lies a huge scar that keeps on holding him back. He has become the man of many masks. All he keeps on doing is to sing about her lover wherever he finds himself. He can’t harm her. She did nothing wrong. Its her heart and she chooses whoever she wants to have it. Anyone but


From the dirty Saint, St Louis Vide



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