I couldn't sleep much last night. Thoughts upon thoughts made it possible  for me to be caught off guard by daybreak. I’m stuck in my head, trying not to go beyond the extremes of thinking; trying as much as I could to make my feelings and emotions feel real and deep as held in my tiny heart.
 It’s not that I fancy the act of putting up huge words about you my dear. Its not that I love to pump big words and unreal  compliments in the head of the lady I love. Neither do I write fake stuff just to win hearts. Naa.. That would be terrible
 I just can’t stop talking about you. That feeling alone compels me to sing the melodies of your beauty throughout the earth like a a sinking ship shooting flares across the skies.

I have never seen someone like you dear. A girl whose beauty literally speaks to the soul and touches the heart of every one she meets. Her kind of beauty is so rare that our current version of words feel obsolete in our quest to describe her. Personally, I’m never going to back down from the fact that you are the most beautiful lady my world has ever had. You know that! 

 Honestly, I must confess that you are the first thought that comes to mind right from bed and the last person I think about before I shut my eyes. Your beauty just takes my very breath away. Seeing you makes me happy and terrified at the same time. Time makes no difference when talk to you behind the screens not to mention talking to you in person . Everything in my tiny life holds still when you come by. 

My dreams were bigger and wilder than the Universe but, it had no space for your kind of miracles. You have everything and beyond. Always leaving scars on my mind and in my heart. Angels were seen in dreams but now they are closer than ever. I can't risk to look at you in the eye for I won't be able to control myself. Besides, I won't be able to withstand the burns from the "fire in your eyes". Your beauty is priceless and exquisite. I guess the word  "unique" feels substandard here. Maybe "Paranormal" will do. Your name tells it all, perfect body for a perfect soul. You smile always even when life hits hard. You sway me with everything especially with your wonderful body and brains.

You just give me the secret behind your mysterious nature. Just tell me how you keep getting prettier and prettier, making black shine brighter each day?  I just can’t hold myself together when I see you smile. How do you do that my dear?


Please tell me because I’m stuck in the ever-ending pit of admiration. My admiration for you are almost infinite now. Just tell me how you took my heart with your smiles. 

Can’t hold back the love I have for you. Can’t wait to feel every single detail and curve on you. I just need a moment with you.



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