A horse without a rider…
Galloping across the face of the earth to an imaginary place where the end is. No matter how fast I go or which direction I take, the end always shows up thousand of miles away. Across these vast life seeking wastelands I trod, the wine of hope keeps draining out; the veil of comfort is on the run and way beyond my reach. I am left at the mercy of the cruel mother nature.

If my rider was here, all these situations wouldn’t have escaped the cells of imagination. Nothing like this would have ever happened. I always tried my best to be there for my master. I showed everything as a humble servant but, the master of my master came down and scoped my rider away. Nothing has ever felt    right since that day.

Alone in my dark caves. Silence doing its best to soothe my wounded heart. The cold breeze makes me shiver like the string of a loose quiver. Nothing exist in here except for the mist of sadness and the stench of failure and cowardice.

If I could tame the hands of time…

if I could ride the crazy tides of life…

if I could…

“If I could…”

The line that always shows me how limited my strength is. It is the vacuum in my head without no ends or bottom grounds. Questions unending, memories and decisions wrapped in the cloth” could have done better” keep crushing my skull and knocking me on my brain. I can’t take it; I’ve had enough of it all. No matter how hard I try, I can’t end things. It is the duty of someone else to shut me down when my days are over. I’m like a child in the opera. So far as the melodies of life keep on ringing out loud, I can never run away from it.
I’m stuck in a room with no exit
I’m on a path with no destination in sight.
I’m literally lost on the face of this blue pebble.

-To Rider Sarah


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