

I can’t close my tiny eyes. My brains are occupied with thoughts of you. It’s quite unfortunate for me though; stuck alone in my bed. The cold breeze of this night keeps whispering into my ears, casting goosebumps allover. Within the comforts of its voice it mentions your name over and over. I can’t keep myself warm enough. I need company before the rain comes down.  Just need someone like you to keep me warm; a face with ever ending beauty to kill my boredom. Just want to look at those wonderful eyes and watch the diamonds sparkle in you, touch your lips and feel alright. Can’t hold back the desire to explore the unique
and sensational body of yours; I can’t hold back though. For now, all I can do is to calm down ,linger on everything sweet about you I  have in memory while I force my way to  you in dreamland. These roaring monsoon rains maybe loud and quite nasty, but they are very good in clearing tracks. I’m waiting for you cupcake, let’s not make the rain drench us and make everything cold and dripping wet.

Just want some sweet warm breaths behind my neck. Warm and moist tingles that make everything "alive" is all I want. I prefer that rather than the weird goosebumps this weather may bring. I want to place my hands on your tender body. I need something natural this time; cute, soft and super beautiful. I need something more comfortable than my pillows. 

They told me that nothing feels super satisfying than the unique feeling you get when an angel holds on tight as though her world might end if she let go. To hear her heart beat closer to your chest  feels like heaven. The rhythm and pattern she creates as she tries to catch her breath is magical. I want to take this to a whole new level with you



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