This is life; A huge whirlpool in some vast expanse of space filled with nothing but tons and tons of doors, paths and dimensions. Every act you choose to do, every effort you make takes you through a different tunnel altogether. The paths are many but if you have luck on your side, your dreams and desires will pop up right before your eyes. Otherwise, you will have to join the numerous souls down the lane of uncertainty.

 This is life; A weird circle that keeps spinning so hard that nothing stays forever. Everything in it is temporal and unreliable as the morning dew. It’s one huge monster-like roller coaster, that has short sharp brief peaks of joy and endless depths of pains filled with the strong feeling of “so what will happen next”. The sooner you realize this, the lesser these surges of pains will last. 

Come to think of it, every single soul out there lacks something, every single soul trail in some aspect of this journey; no man is an island. The irony of it all is that, “the immortals” among us feel that this is some stupid excuse for the lame ones. [sorry for the harsh words]. In their world of perfection, the blind us with lavish living. They torment us with fancy lifestyle making others feel inferior and unimportant. They wake up every day pretending that they own the heavens but, their pillows bear the evidence of the numerous ordeals they are experiencing. Although, we may not see it but, their influence is all around, spread unto us like the snares of the hunter. 

Look at us now, desperate people with no hope at all. We’ve crushed everything positive within us and now, genuine words of compliment and honest songs of praise sound like tales of ridicule in our ears. We have nothing but fear us our one and only possession. We don’t want to accept the fact that we are queens and kings of our own empires; stars in our galaxies. Our minds are soiled with feeble thoughts of a better tomorrow. One that is achieved by staying idle and filling your head with self-doubts. In the delusion of our toxic ideas, we still see the state of perfection and the era of “a better tomorrow” running into the mist of the unknown. We keep holding unto the heels of friends and loved ones because gradually, the infection of change is infecting them too. Yet, we are afraid to lose them. Everything is hollow and will continue to be pitch black until you decide to accept yourself and live to please yourself and no one else. There is no metric system for happiness. There’s no qualification for one to be termed beautiful. Just live by what you believe in and be happy. Insecurities are part of us. They make us who we are. There are millions out there just like us but we have no one who can trod the course of life in our shoes


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