
 Can I have a moment with you?

My mind is being troubled by some questions about you. I really need to find answers to them but, no one else has the answers except you. I must say that your very existence is some sort that of mystery to me and the entire world. It’s not because of what I say, it is who about you are and what you do.

Let me be honest with you. Many people wish that they were you. Their ideas and perceptions about you are very unique. When you stare in the mirror, what do you see? What does those diamonds in your eyes say to you? Can you feel the whisper of greatness in your ears? 

When I see your smooth skin flowing with melanin, I feel the urge to shout on top of my voice and scream “black is beauty”. No one can deny the fact that you are the sweetest of all creation. 

Whenever I say this, you do deny. Nothing you do will erase the fact that you are one of a kind. You can’t run from it, neither can hide from that. You can never make the world delete the word “beautiful “from their dictionaries. In our world, you are everything that defines the word “beautiful”.  It will be impossible to acknowledge this "wonder of earth"; history will never forgive us if we do that.

 My part up here is simple. I’m ever ready to make you known to the world. I’m just like a gem hunter; I won’t let you hide in the sand forever. Your sweet nature has held me on the brink of falling; I can’t even tell if I am actually. I just one lonely admirer caught within the shackles of your elegance. I’m actually hypnotized right now; nothing can save me from the eyes of the most beautiful girl ever. 

I’m lost in my thoughts, sunken in extreme admiration



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