I heard some time ago, men forced all others to believe that the beautiful ones are not yet born. They lied to some girls that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder .Indeed they were right because you were still in the making. Men had to lie to comfort their jealous wives else suicide will reign. Even though, they tried to hide this thing for centuries, their lie makes no sense now that I have seen you with my own eyes. When I saw you, my heart fell in love with you without a second thought. Angels were seen in dreams but now they are closer than ever. I can't risk to look at you in the eye for I won't be able to control myself. Your beauty is priceless, unique. Your name tells it all, perfect body for a perfect soul. You smile always even when life hits hard. You sway me with everything including especially that wonderful body and brains. I wish Ed Sheeran will come see her, for she deserves the song “Perfect ". My intentions are clear like Justin; you don't need no filters and I will give you all of me. You are amazingly sweet just the way you are. I love you with all my heart. You’ve led me away from my path with something unique, something sensational. Something I can hardly explain or talk about in words. My heart leaps when she says hi but conversations always end at “we thank God".(I hate that honestly) Someone get me an antidote for my sleeplessness. I keep rolling and rolling in my dreams, thinking of ways to make my dreams come through. Sunrise maybe spectacular but, the dawn of a new day feels amazing when I think about you. To that loyal one waiting to help me, please make it known to her that, I Lucy, loves her My likes and love may be quite confusing so all I will need to know is that; I like you girl, I love you without limits. Life has been good with you by my side. husH


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