It was an honor to be part the monastery .When the whole world pushed me away, I went straight to the citadel for help.  I was a little demon so, everyone expected me to change. having lived with the devil himself, no one wanted to see the love in me. Everyone perceived that I did things my own way until, that sudden invasion no man expected or thought of.

They termed themselves as the brotherhood of Sense, drawn from the fraternity of saint Louis de luz. They promised me joy and happiness and even more, the throne of Troy. Their lives were full of mysteries bounded by unity with love. They were considered as the Trinity because they kept their vow above everything else. The watchers of beacon which never grew dim couldn't even see when the flames went out. They were stuck in different dimensions, baited and chained with pleasure. When men called upon their trusted brothers, they were found snoring on the laps of women at midday. They had no idea when our treasure was looted. The warriors among us, Saint within Sinners now traded their white robes for dark robes. That ordeal was unfamiliar among them. Their faith in each other shattered and trust subliming as they started to ask; "Who watches the watchman?"

Indeed! that was true and needed answers but the answers were not to be sent as reports to the girly camp. Brothers turned snitches, family now spies. Those bad people wanted us out. They hated us from day one and wanted to influence us. Once the triple threats of the land, today, brothers and saints fight each other for the praise of women and to earn their personal glory. Shameful, self-centered lads of little hopes. Our ways of life was now a directive from the women they trusted. I  loved the act of unity and highly pleased with the attitude to uphold our valor but now, we slew our kind to prove our capacity. They saw nothing wrong; no shame but glory.

 Amongst the aliens of the Arabian Peninsula, our own country men were willing to chop the feet of their brothers if they decide to work on their own. Working on their own was a sign of discipline and togetherness, a good sign of division of labor. It was a huge pillar on which our mystery of togetherness and unity rested upon. Yet, for the sake of glory and pride, they stripped us naked in their market squares called us "Puppets" for we had no brains on our own. they scorned us as though, we were not their kind.

The season of enlightenment is here at last. The wind of change blows strongly across the plains of Luz. Face of men are now pale, filled with fear and uncertainty. I see beasts among men docile and tranquil, something that was almost considered as an impossible act. Now, we have to say it all. The first love was battered for pieces of fake love and honor. My dignity was martyred in cold blood in front of my love .My people now see an outcast instead of a trustworthy brother. With  my integrity now extinct, tell me what I can do to rise above these pits of agony.

Should I give up or haunt them down for justice?

Time will tell...

Saints of saints.


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