Sands of Shame

 The pains the hatred and the shame, these were never a setback to me. I felt too comfortable with the right people. They blinded me from the reality on the ground and I saw nothing wrong with that. By the way my context of reality is full of disappointment, heartbreaks, tears and all sort of attitude that makes you feel that those around you are social cannibals. I call them emotional Dracula\"s. Nothing about your life makes sense to them but their joy and happiness.. When I was stripped of my blindfold of everlasting joy, my world came crashing down. 

Brace for impact Ladies and Gentlemen!

Those I trusted betrayed me for the skins of peanuts.( I mean that). My best friend who is not worthy of that title again pushed me from the pinnacle of joy and landed me in the volcanic chamber of hatred. He took my heart, minced it and grilled it to serve his clients, my enemies as a Peace deal with them. Surprised? Never be!

I saw men from a whole new different direction. I felt pains on a whole new level. I wanted to scream but I had no voice to do so. My tears were scares and sacred like droplets of rain on the Sahara. I helplessly watched as my dear people peel my flesh away like I was some banana. I had no option but to flee from men. I saw the graveyard to be the most peaceful place to retreat to and escape the torture yet, no one gave me the chance to rest in peace. I had to do everything on my own. I forced my head into the slippery yet lonely graveyard to end everything.

Being reincarnated as a soulless guy was terrible and somehow, great. Although a few souls pacify me and quench my ever boiling thirst for revenge, they are even afraid to help me. My reputation is shattered beyond anything else. Let’s s not talk about integrity because, they claim I had none since I stepped on this planet earth. I lose my dear ones every time the clock ticks. My dreams of becoming someone of good virtue eludes me every now and then. Every action I take is considered a threat. Nobody accepts the help of an outcast. They prefer to die in their sins rather than to accept my help and live for another day. 

I wish I could reverse time, go back and correct my vulnerabilities. I wish my cure for all these was around. It\"s been bitterness in everything I talk about in this life. Hardly do I talk about positivity. I hardly talk about something different, have a distinct chat with people devoid of complains, pains and sorrow.

I apologize for those unwanted emotional roller coaster ride you go through because of me. I am sorry for the time you waste on my dark ,joy-less life. Thanks for your efforts and I hope that you will gain some decent stuffs to replace the ordeal of that guy.

That guy....

That wrong guy....

That soulless guy....


  1. 🌟🌟🌟💯💯💯🌟🔥🌟


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