I never wished for this terrible situation to happen. It never crossed my mind neither did I literally think about something as worse as this to befall us. Now here we are, stuck in different dimensions of our reality. I feel the space you left within and it hurts; more than ever. Your absence hurt as though I've been pierced with a million daggers and spears.  My heart keeps aching, longing for your love to subside those pains. My fingers cannot resist the urge to feel the smoothness of your skin, touch your delicate face and watch you in the eye. It feels strange and very pitiful; just like flowers, special moments with your loved ones vanish without you noticing. The bloom and make everything breath taking but, long before the slumber eludes, it withers and leaves scars that you can’t wipe away on your mind; MEMORIES.

The world is cold down here. Grey and frozen, there is nothing that can keep me warm and help me from freezing. Blankets do me any good, neither does the fire help keep me warm enough. All I desire now is a love filled cuddle. I need a hug to calm my troubled soul. I keep looking up to the heavens, watch the stars dance in perfect harmony. That is a sign of better days yet to come. I wish I will be by your side and watch it all again with you. I want to lie by your side on the grass and enjoy sunset with you in my arms. Yet for now, I will have to find my way home first. Sleep all alone and watch the stars with no one. Peep through the skies all alone in these trenches; alone with no joy. I can’t afford to let a drop of tears out. They are essential for the dawn of our glorious days.

Fragrance of the flowers in the wild keep calling my soul. They send me messages from my distant love. Strawberries and Peaches make me long for you: Sensational Kisses. The distance and time makes me feel like I will never see you in this life again. My fate lies in the hand of another man now. It’s not my fault either because I wanted to carry flowers not guns. I wanted to stroll with you every day not to hike the mountains and the rocky unexplored plains where thorns peel the flesh off your body with every step. I would love it if we could watch firework displays rather than the fireballs I see every day in battle. No matter what happens I can’t alter the past but rather build a better future.

All I have now is you my love. I will work hard to honor my part come home safe but in case I return in a gift box instead wrapped with the country’s flag, welcome me with love. I fought for love, I am fighting for better days. I may not live to see it but I know that everything will be alright. If I am late, don’t cry. If I fail to return, just know that I am on my way home. It may not be this present life but in the afterlife.

Saint Louis Vide


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